We’re here to help you make an impact in your community - and to have fun while doing it!

If you’re here reading this, you are likely well aware of the impacts of overprotecting our kids in the real world and under-protecting them in the virtual world (thanks for that succinct statement, Jonathan Haidt!). You’re probably also aware that there are many different viewpoints and levels of awareness on this topic and recognize that this topic is polarizing. And thus, many of us avoid it or feel we need to take extreme action to counter it.

However, if we avoid it, nothing will change. And if we take an extreme action, it won’t be sustainable. And likely, we will fall into repeating the cycle of over-protecting our kids in the real world and blindly handing over the internet, gaming and social media in the virtual world, furthering the negative impacts to our kids as individuals as well as our collective society.

Overwhelmed yet???

We know. We were too. BUT, we got you!

We recognize that to be successful, we need to land somewhere in the middle. And we believe that there are power in numbers and perspectives - and that we’re better off figuring this out together in our communities than by ourselves in our homes. Not only does it take some of the pressure off of us as individuals to make these “calls”, but it also supports our collective efforts if we are all on a similar page.

And that’s what we’ve set out to do with The Balance Project. Help parents like you mobilize a collective effort in their communities with kindness, openness and a collective mantra: to do the best we can with what we’ve got for our kids. And to have fun. We are all so busy, we might as well have fun while we’re at it…

Feel free to click around and learn more about our approach and our team — and feel free to reach out if you’d like to learn more about starting a Balance Project chapter in your community!